Thursday, November 21, 2019

Highlights from our learning

This week we continued to learn about animal groups. Ask your child what makes a fish a fish and what makes an insect an insect.  "They have ____." Children were given the opportunity to learn about each animal group and print 3 facts about each group in their visual journal. They also added an illustration of that animal group.

In literacy centers, students continued to practice their reading skills with a teacher in a small group, on Raz kids, poetry with a group of peers, reading to animals in the forest or reading books at their level.

During word work we have been practicing our sight words, making words and today we did a word detective around the classroom to add to our word lists in our word work book.

In math we continued to finish up our math centers. Children practiced the skills of adding 1, adding 2, adding 2 numbers on a domino, adding 2 numbers on a dice and making 10 with the power of ten cards with a partner.

We learned a few poems this week. We learned a poem about insects and birds.


There is no school tomorrow as it is a PD day for teachers.

Parent teacher conference bookings on MyCBE/PowerSchool opens on Friday November 29th at 6pm. Please ensure you sign up for a time to come and meet with your child's teacher to discuss their learning so far in grade 1. 

Please send in a pair of earbuds or headphones that your child can use when they are listening to books on RazKids. Since students are working on their individual levels and book choices, it is quite distracting if headphones are not used. Please label the headphones with your child's name. If you do not have an extra pair at home, they are readily available at dollar stores, Walmart etc.

Have a great weekend!!

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