Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Highlights of Our Learning


-We recognized Orang Shirt Day today and talked about the importance of how all children matter and being kind to others.

-Even though there is a LOT of snow on the ground, it is still Fall and we talked about what we smell in the fall. Students brainstormed ideas and then copied the sentence started "In the fall I smell..." and completed it with a thought of their choice. Some ideas included "In the fall I can smell apples in the orchard." "In the fall I can smell delicious pumpkin pie." "In the fall I can smell yummy hot chocolate." "In the fall I can smell the wood burning in the fireplace."

-We practiced rolling a dice and subitizing (recognizing at a glance) the quantity that was seen. 
Students then played a game and covered the numeral that is one more or one less than the rolled number.

-We began to skip count forward by 2's to 20

-We had an active and fun recess outside where we were able to enjoy the snow. Thank you for having your child dressed for the weather.

-Children were assessed on their memorized knowledge of letters of the alphabet and were asked to print all of the letters of the alphabet in uppercase and lowercase


Grade 1 is in need of some old magazines to cut up for a project. If you could please send in child friendly magazines with your child, that would be appreciated. 

Grade 1 is also collecting a variety of small gourds and small mini pumpkins. Please send in withe your child if possible. Thanks you support.

Have a great evening!

Miss Rinaldi

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